Combining The Cyma Five and Body Balancing Channels

If you are experiencing the symptoms of coming down with a cold or flu, you could utilize Body Balancing A to help flood your cells with oxygen, along with the Vitality channel to boost your body's immune system.

If you are experiencing problems with digestion, you could incorporate the Body Balancing D channel for support of the digestive system along with the Stress channel, as many digestive problems have some stress related cause.

If you have chronic pain, you may want to combine both of the Pain channels within the Cyma Five along with an extra support of the nervous system in Body Balancing E.

If you have respiratory problems , whether they are caused by allergies, lung damage or infection, Body Balancing B is a great support channel. You may also want to add Body Balancing A for additional oxygen stimulation for the cells.

If you feel that there is great stress on your cardiovascular system, you may want to use both Body Balancing C and the Stress channel from the Cyma Five.

As you can see, you can become the great care taker of your own body and become masterful in creating the best support for it. These ten channels will provide an unlimited list of possibilities for how you approach your healthcare.

 Making a plan and staying consistent will net you the greatest results with this kind of therapy. You may experience results quickly. We still advise you to finish your protocols in order to give the body your full support. For chronic or long term conditions, the full results may not be complete in six weeks, but there will be evidence of improvement.